Ma & Pa, Marlene & Bill, Mom & Dad, aka "the parents" ~ They were married 50 years ago today.
They didn't want a party ~ no fuss necessary. I'm stuck home three days into a virus, but I did call this morning.
Both Mom and Dad were string beans back then. Mom weighed a whopping 98 lbs., and Dad looks like he must have been skin and bones.
Mom wore a big hoop skirt which explains why dad was leaning and walking way over at the edge of the aisle. The bride's maids were in dusty rose/satin dresses ~ I still have some of the material in my stash.
Looks like mom had gladiolas in the vases as wedding flowers. Pretty funny since she wouldn't be caught dead with glads in any bouquet now.
Back then, in 1959, the local paper not only had large write-ups on weddings but also included many column inches on engagements (with photos) and bridal showers. How great it would be if we still had such community connections ~ now we have to worry about privacy and the like. Back then it was considered news worthy if you'd be away for a three-week honeymoon. Now such an announcement would only mean your home would be ransacked while you were gone.
Formal portraits of brides-to-be were considered the norm. Now it just seems odd ~ where's the groom? "He" wasn't news worthy until he walked down the aisle ~ weddings are all about the bride.
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