Thursday, April 16, 2009

9 years ago... ~, my precious Steven and I married. Yes, were were both over 30. Yes, it was the first marriage for each of us. No, neither of us brought a ready-made family. Yes, it is worth it to wait for the right man...

Our official portrait.

Making it legal.

Posed pinning.

With my dad. Yes, we did have beautiful flowers.


  1. Happy Anniversary! You are a handsome couple!

  2. Ok gorgeous persons- Happy life together forever and ever! I regret that I was not invited to your wedding but mostly I would like to have been invited on your honeymoon...So if you do it again keep me in mind as a flower girl/ chaperone.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for a wonderful future. Nice flowers. Handsome couple.

  4. congratulations Juliette. You look so beautiful. You are beautiful. xoxoxo

    Nathan loves sweets more than food.

    Love Renee

  5. Happy Anniversary, Juliet! Wishing you many many happy years together-


  6. Juliet, thank you for the best laugh I have had in ages. Laughing my head off at your comment.

    Not that it is funny because it is sad really. And bullies are never good wherever they are but you wrote it so funny.

    You made me laugh.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  7. Juliet you are bad. har har

    I did not post that other comment because I thought maybe you just wanted me to see it.

    Too funny.

    Love Renee xoxo
