Monday, April 6, 2009

wool socks for spring ~

Yes, it is true. I've finished knitting up some socks just in time for spring....the color emotes the season, but the wool content begs for winter.

The wool is a variety of breeds and consists of whatever was sitting around. There's also some mohair and sari silk mixed in too. This is a four-strand cable yarn that was on the bobbin back in my post from March 20th.
And this is drop spindle spun "crud" from the fiber I flicked and posted on April 1st. As I flicked the staples I saved the discard and spun it while sitting on the couch watching Lost. I was using my first ever spindle ~ the one I bought at the Whatcom Weavers exchange/swap sale about four years ago. The woman I bought it from said she got the spindle in Wales while traveling. It's an odd spindle ~ heavy, short and stubby (hmmm, sounds just like me).

And lastly, this is quickly spun from the bats I bought up in Abbotsford. It is all Romney and the colors are a mix of browns (which you can't hardly see in the photo) and rainbow tones. This is begging to be a hat.


  1. Hee, you have a way with "crud"! That Romney is beautiful - it does say hat!

  2. The socks are gorgeous-lovely, lovely...
