The boys were not on watch last night when Whatcom Middle School burned down. I’m sorry to say, these dudes did not fulfill their duty.
Got some splaining to do….And I am wondering what the hell Chief Jess Odell is going to tell the authorities about his squad. I bet Asplund is going to take the fall. Now, I know, you’d first think that ol’ Mr. Horn should have been blowing something, but Asplund, he’s only got a future in local retail…he’s surely set to take the fall.
Plus, rumor has it, he’s been carrying a “torch” for little Miss Oltman. But we know the truth! He’s got his eye on her family’s insurance business ~ damn his future in retail!
I also heard that “Duke” Skinner was involved in something up there on the roof top. Yep, it was all about giving some guy, well you know,
“the axe”. That was all happening while the Yell Kings, Stevens and Hudson, were working up one of their clever formations we keep hearing about. As the kings, they should have had kept a closer eye on old Duke. And used some of their zeal to yell F * I * R * E !
The very early days ~ she still had her pitched roof.
No additions yet, but she was still a high school.
A recent image.
Whatcom * * * * School ~ it use to say “high” but now she was a “middle”. Was is the word. How many hours did thy waste?
Aside: I have my mom’s eldest cousin’s old annuals from Whatcom High School ~ 1934, 1935, 1936. As I looked through the books tonight, I realized that I have few (if any) memories of my middle and high school years. The weren’t pleasant I recall, but I can’t recall much more than that. It is funny how memories fade or become more important as the years pass. There seems to be quite a HOLE in my memory.
My middle school, Shuksan, was demolished this fall. Could that be why I haven’t any memories left?