Saturday, August 22, 2009

camping ~

…camping, camping you say.  Friday’s word of the day was camping?

Is that “musty smelling tents” or “glitter and rhinestones”?  If camping is a verb, why can’t it be a verb also defining “one who presents ‘camp style’”. I much prefer that.  The idea of being in a tent on the ground is very unappealing to me.

To address how I see “camping”, Saturday’s word of the day will once again be camping ~ but with a twist.

Wikipedia describes it as ~ Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value.

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Camping = Bad Taste

Bad Taste = dead animals, fur collars, face distorting winks

Governor Sarah Palin


You Betcha!

….this camping is NOT appealing….


  1. Who is in that second photo - is that ABBA?? OMG.

  2. Ok the word of the week for next friday is "cahrm" if you want me to link to your blog with your interpretation of "cahrm" please leave a comment OR just email me! What up, sistah?

  3. Dixlexic mush? NOT cahrm- "CHARM" charm is the could do the other one if you like it better....

  4. Well, shite it looks like there is too much gin on my key board!

  5. cahrm...charm...march...ramch...chram...chmar...sloshed again, Linda Sue???
