Sunday, August 30, 2009

feeling up to it…


The last few days have been a challenge.  I told Steve that you can tell if I’m not feeling well when I don’t even try to at least knit a few rows.

No knitting today, but back to some other stuff.  A few weeks back I was in the mood to do some block printing.  Not having the needed supplies, I made my way up to the university book store to only be disappointed in the selection and price.  I did pick up what I needed along with a few other toys.


I found that my dollar store erasers worked just as good as anything else when carving out little stamps.  I first carved a "twill” pattern just to get started digging into the erasers.  I was feeling okay with the tapestry bobbin, but my weaving shuttle needs a lot of help.  The tapestry beater is strangely okay.





This is all a work in progress since I haven’t made an actual linocut since high school.  I massaged a picture of Mabel and cut her out this afternoon.  I don’t have any printing ink and my ink pads just won’t cut it.  Mabel needs to be fully inked up.



Here are some pictures of new friends I made the other week at the fair.





Saturday, August 22, 2009

camping ~

…camping, camping you say.  Friday’s word of the day was camping?

Is that “musty smelling tents” or “glitter and rhinestones”?  If camping is a verb, why can’t it be a verb also defining “one who presents ‘camp style’”. I much prefer that.  The idea of being in a tent on the ground is very unappealing to me.

To address how I see “camping”, Saturday’s word of the day will once again be camping ~ but with a twist.

Wikipedia describes it as ~ Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Camping = Bad Taste

Bad Taste = dead animals, fur collars, face distorting winks

Governor Sarah Palin


You Betcha!

….this camping is NOT appealing….

Thursday, August 6, 2009

time ~

In a blink ~ June was gone.  In a wink ~ July went too.  August, well dear August, we are in a stare down…



This should be a new post…but just indulge me here….

I’ve noticed some things, odd things lately.  I recently noticed that odd things are bringing me joy.  The oddest of all is the fact that I am so pleased to head into my usual stall in the ladies room at work to find the toilet seat up. I know, I know ~ you are thinking ~ What?  No woman in her right mind would be happy to see the seat up.  But remember that I said “ladies room.”  That’s right, there is nothing like being there first after the restroom cleaning.  Nothing like being the first in line.

Hummm…..In the photo above, doesn’t it look like I have one eye drifting off to the right (your left).  And then there is my nose which I cut off ~ it looks as if it could be HUGE. 

I don’t think my eye drifts…..and I don’t think my nose is HUGE.  I’m hoping this photo is just distorted and not my face ~ well, any more distorted than what I’ve grown accustom to in the last 44 year.

And just for fun….


Captured in the shopping cart at Pay ‘n’ Save in downtown Bellingham.


Steve’s mom cut his hair ~ Mr. Bowl Head.


And then there were the cool teen years….Definitely Mr. Trouble during those days.